In the months of January, July and December, the Early Childhood Education Unit opens its doors to receive students and guests for the Green Book’s Vacation Program! The Program is aimed at children from 1 to 7 years old and, for certain activities, the group is divided according to the children’s age group.

Our Vacation Program is bilingual and developed from a dynamic schedule, in order to continuously provide new activities, attractions and experiences for the children! The schedule is reformulated every semester and has several activities that involve:

The 8th edition of our Vacation Program will take place in December 2024 and January 2025. More details regarding the schedule, values ​​and times will be shared soon.

If you are interested in receiving the December 2024 | January 2025 Vacation Program Digital Folder as soon as it is released, fill in the fields below and we will send it to you!

Check out some pictures from some previous editions of the Vacation Program!