Early Childhood
In Early Childhood Education, we begin the children’s formation in order to guarantee their learning rights: to live together, play, participate, explore, express themselves and get to know each other.
In the early years of Elementary School, both inter and transdisciplinary projects are developed focused on social-interactionism and active learning methodologies. Here, teachers are mediators of the teaching process whose authorship is, in practice, of each of our children.
In Middle School, children are constantly stimulated for this new stage, marked by the transition from childhood to adolescence. Challenges that promote their integral formation, also aim at the development of their autonomy, citizenship and relationships.
In high school, we think about the transition phase of our student to university and the job market. We help them build their individual life project and prepare them for adulthood in three different spheres: academic, professional and personal. That’s why we started the 1st grade of high school with the subject “Life Project” – which will help them reflect on their different expectations. In addition, environmental studies, cultural and educational trips, enhance the comprehensive and individualized training of our students.
Na Educação Infantil iniciamos a formação das crianças a fim de garantir seus direitos de aprendizagem: conviver, brincar, participar, explorar, expressar e conhecer-se.
Fundamental I
Nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, são desenvolvidos projetos inter e transdisciplinares focados no sociointeracionismo e nas metodologias ativas de aprendizagem.
Fundamental II
Nos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental, os alunos recebem estímulos adequados para uma nova fase, marcada pela transição da infância para a adolescência, com desafios que promovem sua formação integral, visando autonomia, cidadania e diversificadas maneiras de relacionarem-se consigo e com o próximo.
No Ensino Médio, pensamos na fase transicional do aluno à universidade e mercado de trabalho, auxiliando-o a construir seu projeto de vida individual e preparando-o para a vida adulta em diversas esferas: acadêmica, profissional e pessoal.
Discover our
Stimuli for
Each Stage
Our pedagogical team is highly qualified and prepared to offer the appropriate sensory, physical, cognitive and affective stimuli for each age group.
Such stimuli are conducted through games, activities or conversations that provide expanded experiences according to the stage in which the student is currently at.

Checkout our
School's Journal
Parent Testimonials
Green Blog

Vacation Program January 2025: This is Brazil!
January is almost here, and with it comes an incredible experience that blends fun, learning, and creativity. From January 6th

Lucas Law (13.722/18)
This past weekend, our Early Childhood Education team participated in their annual first aid training, conducted by the specialized company

Lecture by Investigator Ivan Murt
This week, Green Book had the honor of welcoming Investigator Ivan Murta from DECRADI (Police Department for Racial Crimes and

Cultural Fair 2024
Last Saturday, the school experienced one of the most anticipated moments of the year: the Cultural Fair for Elementary, Middle
Through amazing partnerships, we provide students with an even greater contact with practical activities that stimulate creativity and the development of new skills that contribute to our main objective: the integral formation of our students.
Check out our partners for 2025 academic year.
Through amazing partnerships, we provide students with an even greater contact with practical activities that stimulate creativity and the development of new skills that contribute to our main objective: the integral formation of our students.
Check out our partners for 2022 academic year.